Using Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates with Traefik on Kubernetes
My previous basic Traefik install guide used the built-in easy approach to certificate handling. For production use-cases, it is better to use the cert-manager tool as it stores the certificates as cluster resources and does not regenerate them on every Traefik restart. With the built-in approach it is easy to bump into Let’s Encrypt’s weekly limit. Using cert-manager also enables us to run more than one Traefik instances on a Kubernetes cluster.
An architecture to consider before going for microservices
Microservices force developers to loosely couple their services from the start, but definitely come with an overhead in terms of development time and cost.
Connecting a Java application running in Kubernetes to MySQL with server certificate validation
Today I have tried to connect my Java application, running in a managed DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster, to a managed DigitalOcean MySQL instance and I have run into some warnings regarding the connection in the application’s logs.
Installing Traefik to a DigitalOcean cluster the custom resource way
I wanted to try the Traefik edge router for a long time. I have recently created a DigitalOcean managed Kubernetes cluster primarily for learning and experimenting, so it seemed the perfect opportunity to install Traefik.